• Clojure,common lisp, lisp, java, python, ruby, erlang, haskell, javascript Job Trends (here, via @nipra) -- In relative terms, Clojure jobs are growing very fast... now switch to absolute... not so hot!
  • Check your inbox. @chrishouser's Joy of Clojure MEAP has just been updated to include chapters 6 (functional programming) and 7 (macros) (via @fogus) -- Yay!
  • "Rich abstracts, so you don't have to." (via @vu3rdd)
  • eyewrap for observing execution of Clojure code (here, via @fatrow) -- Eyewrap allows you to see step by step how Clojure code gets executed. Very interesting if you're learning clojure or just want to know what is going on with your code. Work in progress...
  • Alpha version of leiningen-init-script, a plugin for generating init.d scripts is up. Suggestions welcome (here, via @napple) -- So you can install your clojure code as a service in your *nix box, all just one script away.