Clojure Houston is having its first meetup! Thurs, Apr 29, 7pm (here, via @jeremey)
видео-материалы про #Clojure: Собрал ссылки на видео-материалы о кложуре на отдельной… (here, via @alexott) -- A compendium video materials about Clojure (here is the English version)
Enough is enough (here, via @technomancy) -- So if you are using leiningen for your projects, you won't be able to name them anymore with something ending in "jure" ... er, like "disclojure"
Cascalog just got even more awesome (here, via @nathanmarz) -- Outer joins, combiners and "Parallel Aggregators", sorting, duplicate elimination, etc... lots of goodies. Cascalog allows you to query Hadoop in Clojure with a Datalog-like language.
Design sketches for Clojure coverage tool (here, via @lshift) -- Insightful article that goes over what it would take to instrument Clojure code (in clojure, of course)
New chapters available in the MEAP (early access) of "Clojure in Action" (here, via @mikemiller) -- The new chapters are 5) Clojure and Java Interop, 6) State and the concurrent world and 7) Evolving Clojure through macros.