• Very simple #clojure wallpaper (here, via @dsp_) -- A nice wallpaper for clojurians
    • Another one, this time in 1280x800 (here, via @dsp_)
  • clojure-maven-plugin now uses (run-tests) and not (run-all-tests), and defaults to including test deps for run/repl/nailgun/swank. (via @talios)
  • Clojure serialization benchmark testing printer, JSON, and binary (here, via @mmcgrana) -- Mark is running some benchmark on the different forms of serialization of clojure data structures. His own clj-json wins hands down. The micro-benchmark framework that he uses seems pretty generic too.
  • I made an attempt at uniform JVM benchmarking, please help make it better (here, via @laujensen) -- Speaking of micro-benchmarks, Lau has written an article trying to settle on a set of guidelines for running micro-benchmarks for the JVM.
  • Wrote my experience with compojure's session down (here, via @dsp_) -- How to create a simple web session with loging/logout using Compojure's own session capabilities.
  • A simple web application in Clojure using ring and enlive (here, via @lshift) -- Ring and Enlive together create a very barebones but powerful web framework. This article shows how to write a web app with them both.
  • See #clujure syntax brains curled up into a tube (here, via @ignart) -- (don't blame me; this is an automated translation from Russian by Google Translate) This is a fairly long and complete article introducing clojure to Russian readers by @alexott_en.