• Multiple branches for #Clojure API documentation. Great. (here, via @handraiser) -- You can get the doco for both 1.1 and master branches now.
  • Tomorrow at the National Capital Area #Clojure Group I'll be giving away a few e-copies of @chrishouser's book (here, via @fogus) -- Thusday Feb 18 at Reston, VA. Be there or be square!
  • wrappers for neo4j: java, python , ruby clojure, scala, php (here, via @yokofakun) -- Neo4j is an open source graph database. It just released 1.0 after ten (TEN!) years of development, and it comes with a Clojure wrapper for all us to play. The linked article is a short intro to neo4j
  • Managing namespaces (here, via @jneira) -- This article is about hacking the namespaces system in clojure to make it more manageable for large projects. One issue, for example, is that when you use (ns... :use ...) then you are effectively importing all the symbols from the 'used' package to your namespace. What if tomorrow that package adds another symbol? Will it conflict with one of your own symbols? This and other issues make the (ns... ) constructs in the code to be quite complex. But what if you have many namespaces? Then managing the (ns...) constructs can get quite time consuming and error prone. The author proposes a solution and makes its implementation available here (can also be found at clojars.org).
  • Incanter and generalized linear models (here, via @algoriffic) -- how to implement the  Generalized Linear Model in Incanter with Clojure.
  • I just uploaded the slides from my #Clojure talk in Berlin. Next "Berlin Lispers Meetup" on March, 3rd! Be there! (here, via @smartrevolution) -- Under this unassuming tweet lies a presentation named "How a Clojure pet project turned into a full-blown cloud-computing web-app". This is a very detailed presentation that summarizes freitheit.com's experience with using Clojure as a development language for a production application. A lot of wisdom made it into this presentation.
  • net-eval, a dead simple distributed computing for clojure (here, via @tbatchelli) -- An easy and simple way to send jobs to be executed on other remote 'clojure machines', from the very creative blogger Nurullah Akkaya at nakkaya.com
  • 129 of the most recent 200 Clojure projects on Github use Leiningen (here, via @technomancy) -- I dream that one day all tweets will be like this one; first, a statement about the world and then, some clojure code to prove it! The author of Leiningen provides some clojure code to compute how many of the existing Clojure projects on github.com is using leiningen as a build system.