• Clojure for Ruby Programmers talk is finally online! (here, via @stuarthalloway) -- If you are new to Clojure and come from the Ruby world you will find this talk by Stuart Halloway (author of "Programming Clojure") very helpful in getting into the Clojure groove.
  • Leiningen 1.1.0 is out. Thanks to all contributors! Now go build some Clojure (here, via @technomancy) -- Notable new features are the 'update' task that updates lein itself, the ability to exclude some of the transitive dependencies of a dependency and the ability to specify what gets AOT'd (Ahead of Time Compilation)... and a bunch of bugfixes. You can find the installation instructions here.
  • Cool enlive tutorial (here, via @tbatchelli) -- If you are planning on coding any application that produces HTML you should seriously take a look at Enlive. A very powerful functional templating framework. Now David Nolen (@swannodette) is putting together this tutorial for Enlive.
  • #Clojure gotcha: (some :x [{:x 1}]) is *not* the same as (some #{:x} [{:x 1}]) (via @fogus) -- No? <scratches head\>
  • Just pushed the web site for Seajure, the ironically-badly-named Seattle Clojure Group: http://seajure.technomancy.us (via @technomancy) -- So this Seattle thing got formal now :) Meetings every first Thursday at 7pm.