This post should have been titled “Today in the Intertweets, the LOST edition” since the last season of LOST started airing yesterday and, coincidentally, the number of noteworthy tweets about clojure today has dropped sharply. Since I cannot imply causation with the data at hand, I’ll just say that the data shows how most of the Clojurians/ers/istas are hooked on the show ‘LOST’. Oh well!

All is not lost though; here it is the catch of the day:

  • New Event National Capital Area Clojure Users Group February Meetup (here, via @dctechevents) -- If you're around Reston, VA on February 18, don't miss out on this meetup!
  • Just posted a set on installing #clojure on #windows (here, via @fulldisclojure) -- If you are a Clojure newbie, this is for you! Sean Devlin (@fulldisclojure) has published a series of short screencasts on installing Clojure on Windows in the following ways: command-line only, Netbeans+Enclojure, Eclipse+counterclockwise and  ClojureBox. Don't miss out on the background music while you're watching the videos...
  • Blogged about list-comprehension (here, via @LauJensen) -- Following the structure of a recent article on Scala's 'for' construct as a way to perform list comprehension, Lau Jensen has attempted to provide the same functionality in Clojure. The proposed Clojure versions of the Scala snippets seem overall simpler.