#Clutch autodoc website now up (here, via @ashafa) -- It's nice to see @tomfaulhaber's autodoc being used more and more in clojure projects :)
(upvote? (= Etch-A-Sketch (reduce + '(Arduino Clojure)))) (here, via @redditspammor) -- An etch-a-sketch built on Clojure controlled by an arduino board. Yet another very creative (and short) project from nakkaya.com
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Clojure+Arduino Etch-a-sketch"][/caption]
Portable, Cross Platform, Standalone Reddit Clone in 91 lines of Clojure (here, via @LauJensen) -- This is about porting a Common Lisp Reddit Clone to Clojure. In this article, along with the code, Lau explores some not-so-subtle differences between CL and Clojure. This is a relatively complex Compojure application, so it is interesting to see how short it is! As a bonus, Lau also adds the steps to deploy this as a portable application using Leiningen.
Clojure library coding standards -- initial draft (here, via @liebke) -- @stuarhalloway proposes a set of conventions for writing Clojure code. The discussion that follows is very enlightening. Weigh in now before it gets set in stone!!!