• First #clojure NYC meetup is tomorrow! (here, via @stuartsierra) -- From now on I'll try to keep everyone updated on what's going on in the meetups/user groups around the world. Yay! more work for me! :) . Ah, don't get surprised if I try to join your meetup even if I don't live in the area. Anyway, the list of speakers is impressive, Rich Hickey, Stuart Sierra and Eric Thorsen (author of the Netbeans plugin Enclojure)
  • New Clojure Books in Progress (here, via @ckotso) -- At this point many of you are fully aware of the new upcoming Clojure books to be published by Manning: Clojure in Action and The Joy of Clojure. Manning runs an e-book beta program cold MEAP, by which you buy the e-book today and you get to download the book as it gets written. Rich Hickey publishes in his blog that now you can get them at a 35% discount, both ebook and print book (pre-order) by using the checkout code "clojure35". Do it!
  • New blogpost: Global Warming Vs Clojure - Heavy Computational combat! (here, via @LauJensen) -- Lau this time uses Clojure to try to reproduce some of the alarming results that some Climate Research scholars have been publicizing in the last decade (at least). One of the most controversial results is the "Hockey Stick" graph of global temperature. In the article Lau uses clojure to process the different temperature readings available since 1929, all on his laptop. To do that one cannot expect to load 50GB of raw data into memory, so he provides a solution for that.