• Anyone interested in the JVMOne idea, please leave comments here (via @michaelgalpin) -- This is an interesting idea to produce an alternate JavaOne conference focused on the JVM itself and all the languages that run on it. It looks serious :) Please send your comments!
  • Template to create a GAJ app in Clojure (here, via @lispcoder) -- Now you don't have an excuse anymore for not creating Clojure apps for Google App Engine. Here it is a template; you just need to fill in the blanks with your awesome clojure code and you're good to go! Ah, it also builds using lein and clojars.
  • Good answer on why I should learn Clojure (here, via @mraible) -- "So, Clojure 'wins' or is 'worth trying' because of the experience of using it, not because of some particular bullet point, which all languages feel like they all have." The author creates somewhat of a circular logic response: you can only answer the question "why should I learn clojure?" by learning clojure, which makes total sense once you've learned Clojure.
  • Mashups Using Clojure (here, via @catch_down) -- Another engaging and approchable article from nakkaya.com, this time not about controlling Arduino via clojure, but about creating mashup applications in Clojure. The final application is for mapping earthquake data over Google Maps.
  • Help me simplify the #clojure contrib build with #Maven (here, via @stuartsierra) --  Stuart Sierra is moving the build script for clojure-contrib from Ant to Maven. Hopefully no religious wars will start at this time. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Maven too...
  • How to get La Clojure working again (here, via @gstamp) -- so here is how you make La Clojure plugin work again after upgrading to IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.1. The nature of the solution just highlights how absurd it is that we have this recurring problem of La Clojure getting out of sync with IDEA's releases.
  • Fantastic, @tomfaulhaber's Autodoc, html doc generator for Clojure, is now generally available! (here, via @liebke) -- "Autodoc is a system for generating HTML documentation for Clojure projects. It is used to create the up-to-the minute published API documentation for Clojure itself, the Clojure-contrib library, and the statistics package, Incanter." We've all  used the fruits of this cool application. Many many times.
  • I've posted my #leiningen plugin for building #hadoop job jars. Feedback would be awesome! (here, via @xefyr) -- The plugin creates haddop-compatible jar files.