Clojure refactoring: flattening reduces (here, via @jneira) -- Another instance clojure sorcery from @cgrand. Go check it out, as it is hard to summarize such a short but interesting blog post!
Suh-WEET CLojureMVC (here, via @lazycoder) -- This is a clojure wrapper to Spring MVC, making it easier to use its features from Clojure.
Agony of hadoop/clojure logging and how to fix it (here, via @bradfordcross) -- Interesting post about the difficulties of obtaining logging data from clojure code running in different environments. *out* means a different thing depending on where and how you run your clojure code. The article refers to the difficulties of obtaining Hadoop's log messages in the REPL when using emacs-slime-swank. Check out the comments section too, as they propose alternative solutions.
"Clojure 1.1 and Beyond" slides from @fogus' talk at #cap_clug meetup (here, via @liebke) -- A nice summary of the new features of Clojure 1.1 and what's probably coming for the next release.
ug, upgraded to #intellij 9.0.1, la #clojure plugin no longer compatible. Hope new version comes out soon. #scala still works though. (via @wmcagyver) -- Don't update to 9.0.1 until a new plugin build for "La Clojure" is available. I really wonder why this happens so often... the IDEA plugin APIs are frozen now so the plugins should be forward compatible for all 9.x versions of IDEA :(
N-element tuples with type declarations (here, via @stuartsierra) -- A few possible implementations of N-tuples in Clojure. With micr0-benchmarks! Although the last one at the time of writing this, by Rich Hickey, has no benchmarks yet.