Good video discussing point-free style, partial function application and composition in #clojure (here, via @RickMoynihan) -- If you are new to functional programming this is a good tutorial that shows what you can do with higher-level functions.
The Joy of Clojure MEAP by @fogus and @chrishouser is now available (here, via @opeckojo) -- Finally!!!
New MEAP: Joy of Clojure by @fogus and Chris Houser - 37% off with our weekly mailer code (j1337) (via @ManningBooks) -- So there! use the code to get "The Joy of Clojure" with a nice discount.
Fleet — Clojure template engine - Why? Because — I wanted template engine for Clojure — close to Clojure (here, via @flamefork) -- Fleet is a HTML template engine for clojure for those who don't want to use HTML DSLs in clojure (like Enlive, for example)
I just released dgraph, a dependency graph library for #Clojure. Reduce the pain of UI programming (here, via @vetoshev) -- "dgraph aims to offer a (mostly) pure functional data structure whose nodes behave like cells in a spreadsheet, i.e., they form a dependency graph", and "This data structure has many uses. In particular, it helps eliminate repeated clutter in UI code where the state of a display element may depend on the state of several other elements".
@jneira pointed me at repleet by @SpatialDefenter, a twitter account that will evaluate your tweets with Clojure code if you the form of "d repleet /clojure (reduce + 1 [2 3])". This is just a proxy to LotREPLs, which we featured here some time ago and is a web based REPL for many JVM based languages. The proxy is static, so I guess you can't define a function in one tweet and expect to find it when it evaluates the next tweet.