Funding Clojure 2010 (via ... well, pretty much everyone in this community; I counted over 100 tweets) -- In short, Clojure is an open source project that has been funded so far only by its author's own savings. Soon it will stop making sense for Rich Hickey to keep funding the project while not getting any $$ from it. He proposes that those who are benefitting from Clojure fund him, so he can continue working on it. That makes sense, doesn't it? Time to give back, go to this page and click on the button "Donate".
98% done rewriting my website in #clojure. 6k lines of Ruby => 2k lines of Clojure. I hope my VPS doesn't implode when I upload it. (via @briancarper) -- here is the blog software he's writing
New post by @stuartsierra, Objects Are Not Abstract Data Types (here, via @liebke) -- An interesting discussion about some of the upcoming features of Clojure: datatypes and protocols, and how they relate (or not) to Object Oriented Programming. It is good to remind folks of the difference between abstract data types and objects...
A custom Google Search Engine for Clojure (here, via @disclojure)