• Exciting day today. The flightcaster guys are giving to the community two significant pieces of code:
    • Crane is #clojure #aws #hadoop #clusters #ec2 #s3 #ssh #repl #goodness (here, via @bradfordcross) -- Crane is a... well, imagine what verbs go between the names in the original post and you'll realize it is an awesome tool. Just kidding! You can read about it in this blog post introducing Crane
    • #FlightCaster merges its statistical-learning code into #Incanter (here, via @liebke) -- now Incanter has a distributed statistical-learning system at its core. Incanter will also be able to be used with Crane in the future
    • By the way, this is why projects like Incanter or Crane are important for the Clojure community even if you're not into Statistical Learning...
  • QOTD: "Any sufficiently concurrent imperative program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bugged implementation of half of Clojure" (via @cgrand) -- paraphrasing anyone here?
  • introducing lein-cuke: betcha didn't know #cucumber + #clojure would be so simple: #jruby ftw (here, via @tvachon)
  • lispm: this dude is seething with clojure hate, me amused (here, via @stickypanties)