#Clojure Support arbitrary functional destructuring via -> and ->> (here, via @fogus). This is just a proposal, and it would work like this:
user=> (let [(-> str a) 1] a)
user=> (let [[a (-> str b) c] [1 2]] (list a b c))
(1 "2" nil)
user=> (let [(->> (map int) [a b]) "ab"] (list a b))
(97 98)
tweaked my bin/clj script to give formatted #clojure stacktraces. (here, via @mmcgrana) -- Neat!
[caption id="attachment_296" align="alignnone" width="361" caption="Fancy stacktraces for clojure (click for original image)"][/caption]
How to optimize a Clojure program properly (here, via @cgrand) -- Cristophe takes a look at Lau's implementation of Brian's Brain and looks for ways of making the code run faster. He achieves a 5x speed increase, so it's worth looking at the proposed optimization techniques.
Clojars: an alternative to Maven's Central Repository for #clojure projects with much less hassle (here, via @tbatchelli)