*Lazy* tail-recursive QSort in #Clojure from Chouser. Beautiful (via @fogus)
[clj](take 3
((fn [x]
(qsort (take x (repeatedly #(rand-int x)))))
flightcaster, runa.com, incanter: It seems clojure's sweet spot is analytics! what accounts for this? (via @silkodyssey)
dynamic functional langs are well suited to analytics plus Clojure's access to java libs (via @liebke, Incanter)
one big reason is the functional aspect of Clojure - analytics is lots of math - the second is macros (for DSLs) (via @amitrathore, runa.com)
Loaded Spring context into Clojure. Now have entire application and context at my fingertips via the REPL (via @JulienChastang) -- that is an interesting use of clojure... how did you do that?
OSGi + Clojure is awkward. @romanroe is doing good work in this area, see here (via @njbattlett)
Observations from a real-world Clojure project (here, via @dewitt) -- a very interesting read, wether you're programming clojure or thinking about doing it. 4) is particularly relevant
Building a Google Wave robot in Clojure (here, via @thnetos)
Before you complain about Clojure being slow, read this (via @hackerlinks)