- The "It starts to look like a real App" release, 1.2.0, of the Clojure Namespace Browser (clj-ns-browser)
(via @fs42) —
Clojure-ns-browser is a nice way to explore Clojure and all the clojure libraries. It let’s you quickly jump from documentation, to sources and to usage examples. It is a Swing) application built with Seesaw
- Clojure Robot DSL
(via @ajlopez) —
Ah, nice! A DSL for building Robot controlling software to control Lego Mindstorms and Arduino robots. Clojure already controls the server, the broswer, the client… now Robots. This is one seriosly cool DSL that generates code that can be understood by the cited platforms.
- Debug Clojure Web Apps over HTTP
(via @hnfirehose) —
This article describes how to REPL-in to remotely running services where direct TCP connections are not possible, or more speficically, Heroku. Using drawbar, a HTTP transport for nRepl, you can open a REPL in an already runnign webapp. I have heard this technique has been used to fix satellites or other space ships. Probably not HTTP though.
- This is what it looks like if you have a hot multimethod in multithreaded code. Red means waiting for a lock.
(via @hiredman) —
As with hot peppers, red is not good news. And there is a lot of red in this picture. Contention!
- Hackers love #python :-) (chart)
(via @andreas_io) —
This is a chart plotting the times Clojure appears in Hacker News (HN) posts, compared to Ruby, Python, Haskell and Scala. NHacker News is a place where entrepreneurs hang out. Two things seem clear from this graph: Clojure has taken quite a dive since mid-2010, and HN is talking less and less about programming in aggregate.