
This recent lack of intertweets posts that has got you wondering if the Clojure world has stopped to a halt –it hasn’t– is caused by me moving disclojure from WordPress to a better blogging service, for some definition of ‘better’.

During this process I am also getting rid of the early 2000’s look and feel and moving to something more horrible; the old UI was probably built by a web designer and the new one is built by me, and I can’t design. It will (should) look better on small screens, like iPhones and such, although I can only test with iPhone.

The big design change is that the home page now only contains the latest post. Who cares about yesterday, right? Well, if you do, then “latest” contains the latest posts, and then there is the Archive.

The new site is built on jekyll and backed by github, so yeah, you’ll be able to fork the site and send a patch my way whenever my fat fingers screw something up, and even submit content of your own!

Feel free to check out the work-in-progress version of the new disclojure at If you are using any post-paleolitic version of IE or an Android phone, please let me know if it is totally broken. If it is indeed broken, I’ll just blame the guys at Twitter that built twitter bootstrap, which is supposed to handle IE and Android.

I am really excited about the collaborative nature of the new site, and I have great ideas of what can be done with it. I will share them soon.


PS: The comments might get lost during the migration, unless I find a way to port them to Disqus. The issue is that the export functionality in my WordPress setup is broken…

PS2: None of this matters to you if you are reading disclojure via an RSS feed reader. Or does it? Because chances are your RSS feed will see a bunch of new posts that are not new at all…