• Most Basic ClojureScript GUI (here, via @devstonez) -- Step by step guide on using Google Closure Lib's GUI from ClojureScript.
  • Parsley, now with a modicum of documentation. No release though. (here, via @cgrand) -- Parlsey is a parser generator library for Clojure that has some interesting runtime characteristics, one of them being that it is incremental (very useful for code editors, for example.)
  • Twitter Engineering talks about Storm (here, via @swannodette) -- Since Twitter acquired Backtype (authors of Cascalog) now they have in their hands a ton of clojure goodies. One of them is the upcoming real-time map-reduce-style computation engine by @nathanmarz, named Storm. This article describes what Storm is and how it works. The article makes no mention of Clojure though --I know I know, parentheses scare people off.