Why You Might Want To Consider Java And/Or Clojure For Your Next Project (here, via @_lall) -- This article is only tangentially related to Clojure, it is more about Java and how it is still a good language to develop client-side applications. Either way, it is interesting how the number Java users looking at Clojure has been growing faster lately.
Most Powerful JVM Language Available (here, via @Sageniuz) -- "One of the questions now trending in the Java world shows a hesitation to buy into a technology that might turn out to be a passing fad: should I learn Scala or should I learn Clojure?". This article tries to shed some light on how to chose your next language when you come from Java.
Counterclockwise 0.3.0 - Big perf improvement in the editor (here, via @petitlaurent) -- "This new version brings incremental parsing to the table, making the editor ultra-fast at recomputing new parse trees while the user is typing." CounterClockWise is the Clojure plugin for Eclipse.
A rough guide to JVM languages - Scala, Clojure, JRuby, etc. (here, via @BonJoast) -- Today looks like JVM language day! Another article, this time from O'Reilly Radar, about the cool languages that have been built on top of the Java Virtual Machine of late. Radar is a blog from O'Reilly dedicated to "Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies"
With #clojure #protocols you have to use your brain. Keep your concerns separated! (here, via @kotarak) -- Recently there has been some discussion about when is the use of protocols is not recommended, which is basically in public APIs. This article describes what is the problem with using protocols in your public APIs, explains why it is a problem and finally how to avoid the issue and still use Protocols in public APIs. Very insightful, as usual from Kotarak.