• Processing StackOverflow data (here, via @dcbyron) -- This short article points at a more interesting article that provides a detailed description of how to build a process to analyze StackOverflow's post to gather some intelligence about, for example, smart phone development trends.
  • PragPub Magazin for July is available (here, via @christophpater) -- Pragmatic Programmers (the publishers of the first clojure book ever) have been producing a monthly magazine for developers. This month's magazine is devoted to clojure, with articles like "Clojure Building Blocks", "Clojure Collections", "Create Unix Services with Clojure" and "Growing a DSL with Clojure."
  • System administration and deployment tool in clojure (here, via @HNTweets) -- Work in progress, this new project is a tool for executing shell commands on multiple remote hosts at a time.
  • `lein-sub` - Leiningen plugin for executing tasks on sub-projects (here, via @kumarshantanu) -- Lein sub deps will run lein deps on all your project's sub-projects.