• Sound Synthesis & Playback in Clojure (here, via @yueliufeeds) -- A detailed blog post about synthesizing sound with Clojure and Java Sound API, pretty much from scratch.
  • Announcing Unk: A pluggable, manipulable, inspectable, and extendable memoization library for #Clojure (here, via @fogus) -- Clojure's memoize is very useful in some straightforward cases, but in production scenarios sometimes you need more control on what and for how long things are memoized. This library provides this flexibility while being a drop-in replacement for memoize. The listed algorithms also have had a long history and many authors.
  • Love it: @edd in email: "Programmers don't aspire to a BMW, they aspire to write a clojure program that other people won't laugh at" (via @timoreilly) -- That's this Tim O'Reilly.