• Just uploaded "Hackers and Rockstars" or how to make crazy music with Clojure ;) Check it out! (here, via @viedma) -- A good opportunity to see MAD (music as data) in action in the context of a talk about how programming can be an art (and how clojure is very cool)
  • Nice! I just realized there is such thing as Clojure 1.2.1 although it seems to contain some breaking changes... (here, via @disclojure) -- Not announced yet and not sure if it made it to the maven repos, but there is a Clojure 1.2.1 build that fixes some memory leak related to interning keywords that seems to be hitting some users. But from the email thread, it looks like this change also comes with some incompatibilities with some source code, so proceed with caution.
  • Announcement: flutter - clojure / hiccup form fields (here, via @yueliufeeds)
  • Clojure, OpenJDK 7, and Fork/Join (here, via @planetclojure) -- An idiomatic interface to the Fork/Join feature of Java 7
  • The long-lost art of thoughtfulness in blogging (here, via @planetclojure) -- Michael Fogus (of Joy of Clojure fame) suggests a list of blogs that "strive to further the quality of online discourse." Including an infamous clojure hater.