• "I have just been asked by my company to rewrite a largish (50K LOC) Java application in Clojure."  (here, via @cemerick) -- This is a post on Stack Overflow. Somebody got asked to do the above job. Hopefully they won't pay by the line.
  • latest clojure conj video up! @technomancy, "Making Leiningen Work for You" (here, via @clojure_conj) --  This talk covers the many ways lein can be extended and used to do whatever you want it to do (provided it is legal and morally acceptable, that is)
  • New blog post, discussing how easy it is to do run code in parallel in clojure (here, via @mikewmeyer) -- This article provides a good playground to experiment with the different ways of parallelizing your code and measure the improvements against the fully serialized implementation. It turns out that the 'parallelize everything' option is seldom the one that gives you the most speed-up.
  • Transforming an accumulating mundane recursive fn into a tail-recursive fn (with Clojure) (here, via @fogus)  -- The title says it all, so I'll just stress that knowing how to do this is a useful skill to have.