• Is it just me or the "minor" languages are among the most fundamentally important ones#erlang #haskell #scheme #clojure (here, via @vdichev) -- This is an article by the well known book publisher O'Reilly that analyzes the state of the computer book market. Clojure, along with Erlang, Haskell and Scheme are catalogued as *minor* languages in this report, since they all sell between 1000 and 1680 units/yr... are you guys buying your Cojure books?! What's worse is that the sales number of Clojure books in 2010 was lower than in 2009. But this is about paper books, not counting electronic book sales...
  • Great work by Andy Fingerhut on making the #clojure cheatsheet linked to docs! (here, via @puredanger) -- I concur. Bookmarked.
  • Check out my CouchDB with Clojure article, just published on developerWorks (here, via @objcmdo) -- This is a very complete tutorial on using CouchDB from Clojure via Clutch. It covers everyting from creating/updating documents to DB replication and conflicts.
  • New #clojure conj video up, @petitlaurent, "State of Counterclockwise" (here, via @clojure_conj) -- CounterClockWise (CCW) is the Clojure plugin for Eclipse.
  • Need to store your ring sessions in riak? Give a shot (here) and LMK how it goes. (here, via @ossareh) -- ring-session-riak lets you use the very distributed and redundant riak store to --surprisingly-- store your session data to be shared across web servers.