• Working on an article on turning #clojure applications into proper unix services (via @abedra) -- Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?
  • Bandalore: a Clojure client library for Amazon’s Simple Queue Service (SQS) (here, via @cemerick) -- It wraps the official AWS's Java SDK while giving it a very clojurey feel.
  • clojure Simple Theorem Prover、まともに動いた。(here, via @kencoba) -- Based on Programming Language Theory and its Implementation (link to PostScript file, your browser might crash), by Michael J.C. Gordon
  • Continuation-Passing Style in Clojure (here, via @hnfirehose) -- Ever wondered how Clojure code in CPS would look like given that Clojure has no Tail Call Optimization? Hard to read, that's how! (at least for the untrained eyes, like mine are)
  • Just open-sourced ElephantDB. Blog post coming next week. (here, via @nathanmarz) -- ElephantDB is a database that specializes in exporting key/value data from Hadoop so you can use this data in a read-only fashion
    • Also open-sourced companion projects for writing to ElephantDB from Cascading or Cascalog (here and here, via@nathanmarz) -- Oh, that makes it even easier to use it.
  • New Clojure IDE written in Clojure... (here, via @puredanger) -- Screenshots or it didn't happen! It comes with a nice plugin architecture. Still a proof of concept though.