• Is it just me or are clojure error messages generally useless? (via @arcatan) -- It's not just you. But try the following: make sure you're 3 feet away from your screen (2 feet if it is a laptop) and squint your eyes while focusing on the center of the line in middle of the exception trace. After a few minutes, a useful error message will emerge in all it's 3D glory!
  • Типы и протоколы в Clojure (original, English translation, via @alexott) -- An introduction to Datatypes and Protocols in Russian, which is part of the larger Introduction to Clojure (English translation courtesy of Google here)
  • Clojure is getting faster on shootout, almost 3 times fastre then few months ago (here, via @REDDITSPAMMOR) -- This is a summary of a few benchmarks run on programs written in both Java and Clojure. This is Clojure 1.2 by the way. You can also compare Clojure to other languages by changing the drop down at the top of the page.
  • Clojure: &env and &form (here, via @BundleOfStartup) -- This article is about the rather obscure &env and &form forms that can be very useful when used for debugging macros.
  • Learn Clojure in sunny Chicago! This'll be a lot of fun (here, via @trptcolin) -- Snow is the new Sun apparently... 2 days, from the author of the Clojure Koans himself!
  • clojure trick: use (->> (do <random stuff> )) to cause side effects inside -> and pass along the value. (via @pepijndevos) -- Clojure is definitely a language to be used in tweets.
  • I wrote an introduction to fnparse (here, via @brehaut) -- fnparse is a parser combinator library for Clojure using the tasty backtracking state monads (they must be edible with that name!) This article is provides a rather extensive coverage of the library and how to use it.