• CUFP 2010 videos are now online! w/ @fogus @marius @lukehoban @galoisinc; (here, via @avsm) -- Commercial Uses of Functional Programming, that's what CUFP stands for. It's awesome that they put those videos online, now If the day lasted 30 hours...
  • JS implemented as a real JVM language using Clojure? Yes please! (here, via @greenideas) -- This refers to Mug, a JavaScript to JVM compiler built on Clojure, which results in execution times sometimes 2x faster than Rhino (the JVM JavaScript interpreter). Note that Mug is a compiler, not an interpreter.
  • Latest clojure Conj video up! @fulldisclojure, "Protocol XIII: Clojure Protocols Explained" (here, via @clojure_conj)
  • New project: Analemma is a Clojure library for generating charts and Scalable Vector Graphics (here, via @liebke) -- Now you can create charts for the web that will scale nicely, because they are SVG (vector-based), not PNG (raster-based). By the way, the library also has a SVG library to create things other than charts. WIP, but very promising!
  • Quick Ref for #Clojure Core (here, via @codezone) -- ClojureDocs has a cool ref card for clojure.core
  • clojurejs -- a #Clojure to #Javascript translator (here, via @funcall) -- More clojure+JavaScript today, in this case compiling Clojure directly to JavaScript, so you can run it in the browser :)
  • Clojure: fnil (here, via @planetclojure) -- Ever heard about fnil? Having NullPointerExceptions every now and then? Read this article.
  • Streamlining Hadoop and Clojure with Maven (here, via @ieslick) -- This article is about a successful strategy for deploying Hadoop jobs in clojure that use many 3rd party libraries, a situation in which if you use enough nodes, sending the jars over to each node can be too slow to be practical.