• Ray-Tracing in Clojure (here, via @planetclojure) -- A port of the ray-tracer that appears in Paul Graham's book "ANSI Common Lisp".
  • Looks like LINQ support was just added to ClojureCLR (here, via @mattpodwysocki) -- From the linked gist, it seems like there is LINQ support in Clojure CLR
  • Hammock-Driven-Development cheat sheet (here, via @liebke) -- If you watched Rich Hickey's talk at the conj in which he exhorted all of us to think before coding, and proposed a method to do so, then you might find this excellent cheat sheet useful, if not funny :)
  • Distinctive traits of functional programming languages (here, via @jonharrop) -- You won't find those traits summarized more succinctly anywhere. Great conversation starter with other language geeks too!