• Introduction to sexpbot (here, via @yueliufeeds) -- If you have ever logged into clojure's IRC channel, you probably have already noticed that there are two bots participating in the chat: clojurebot and sexpbot (to be read sexp-bot as in S-EXPression, not sex-pbot as in whatever your dirty mind thinks 'pbot' might be). This article by sexpbot's author explains how it is built and how to extend it.
  • Topics for Ring book (here, via @daigo3) -- Brian Marick is writing a short-ish book on web development with Ring for Pragmatic Programmers, and is taking feedback about the topics to cover. This is your chance to let him know about what you'd like to see in the book.
  • Getting Started with Compojure using Leiningen (here, via @planetclojure) -- A screen cast showing how to use lein and compojure for writing web apps.
  • Added #clojure to #mutant (here, via @twarko) -- Mutant is an interesting project that lets you program with many JVM-based scripting languages, while sharing variables across engines. You can start coding in JRuby and switch to Clojure and then go to Groovy. Pretty neat!
  • Clojure's require/use/import/ns and what you need to know to use them (here, via @trptcolin) -- Very well needed article, at least for me since I still get confused every now and then about which way to import a name space and the right syntax...
  • Catching up on some #pdc2010 videos - languages panel guys discussing clojure - interesting and unexpected (here, via @atomray) -- This is a panel discussion at PDC10 that has four top language designers (C#, Newspeak, C++ and E).... it takes 11m 55s for all of them to talk about clojure :)