Asked @jetbrains staff at #oredev about #clojure support in @intellijidea 10. Got blank stare back. Worrying. (via @weakreference) -- Whaaaa?
@weakreference the Clojure plugin for IntelliJ IDEA is developed separately from the core product; no plans to bundle it in v10 (via @intelliyole) -- That is a non-response if I've ever seen one :( ... Communication matters guys! Yes it is coming, or not it is not... which one it is?
Videos de programación funcional (en argentino :-) (here, via @EdgarSanchez) -- Some Argentinian hackers got together to talk about functional programming and here are the talks for all of us Spanish speakers to enjoy. Awesome guys!
I have a good feeling about this blog (here, via @LauJensen) -- A mini-sudoku written with mini-Karnen, a clojure implementation of mini-kanren, a declarative logic programming system that was originally for scheme. Check out the 3 previous posts on that blog to get some more background.
Java, Clojure, Scala, Groovy, and Jython using RubyGems via @yokolet's JRuby embedding API! (here, via @headius) -- Slide 7 is the one that matters :). Amazing how easy it is to use RubyGems from clojure with RedBridge! (now, the Scala version is sooooooo much more complicated!). Also check out slide 21 for how to use DataMapper from clojure.
A wip implementation of haskell's Control.* in clojure: functor,applicative, monad and monoid (here, via @jneira) -- clj-control is @antoniogarrote's porting of Haskell's control abstractions to Clojure. WIP as stated.