• Here is my TechTalk from today's Google Developer Day 2010: HTML5 and Clojure on GAE (here, via @smartrevolution) -- Clojure and Closure in the same presentation, this must be a first! Glad to see Google showcasing The Deadline and clojure.
  • Received the foreword for The Joy of Clojure. Consider my world. It's rocked. (via @fogus) -- So who is the mysterious author? Tell us!!
  • I have before me a contract for a Ring book from the Pragmatic Press. (via @marick) -- Clojure will have a book on web development :)
  • Announcing Clothesline, a Clojure port of WebMachine. Part of my work for BankSimple. Check out the code (here, via @KirinDave) -- Webmachine is a different kind of web framework for Erlang, with nice functional properties (e.g. referential transparency, or functions instead of methods). Currently clothesline is a naive but functional port of webmachine to clojure, with an eye to support many other JVM-based languages.