• Les hvordan Clojure tvinger deg til å programmere trådsikkert på (here, via @knowitnorge) -- This is in Norwegian, in case you were wondering. An introductory article to Clojure and it's multithreading capabilities. Think of it this way: if you know everything about Clojure, you can use this article to learn Norwegian ;)
  • Clojure type hints: WITHOUT (.frob obj) => lookup_method("frob").invoke() WITH (.frob ^String obj) => ((String)obj).frob() (via @fogus) -- If you were wondering how type hinds can speed-up clojure code that uses Java libraries, here is a clear example. With hints is a direct call, without them, it's a method lookup and an invoke() call.
  • I managed to run clojure debugger toolkit on windows thanks to (this) message. (set-bp) power! (here, via @jneira) -- Basically you need to fix the directory dividers from "/" to "\" in the code, but this message already contains a patch for you to do that. A better patch is to get rid of Windows altogether... I'm just sayin'
  • Seen in #clojure – October 7th (here, via @planetclojure) -- This interesting article dissects a code snipped that @chrishouser nonchalantly posted on IRC on October 7th, and its purpose is to turn any number of minutes into months, days, hours and minutes. That's right, a code snipped needs a full blog post.
  • My slides for the #jclouds and #pallet prez at #linkedin's offices for the Bay Area Clojure Users Group are now up (here, via @tbatchelli) -- Hey, that's me! If you're deploying your apps on any cloud provider, you should look at these slides to learn the basics about @hugoduncan's pallet and Adrian Cole's jclouds. Maybe the video will be posted one day too.