• Clojure Debugging Toolkit: The video (here, via @georgejahad) -- The video shows the impressive features of George's CTD.
  • Surd - MongoDB/Ring authentication and authorization application (here, via @sethrain) -- Title says it all :)
  • #cufp, @fogus discussing his experiences with Clojure and Scala. (via @deamwampler) -- I hope there's going to be a video of that, or at least the slides... (by the way, CUFP = Commercial Uses of Functional Programming)
    • Here are the slides from my #cufp talk. Good luck making heads or tails out of them :p (here, via @fogus) --  Alright, now we need the video.
  • Fun with Clojure: Turning Cats into Dogs in Hanoi (inaugural blog post) (here, via @jkkramer) -- A post about graph traversal, a new library for this job (loom), and cool visualization of the solutions graphs. Check it out, since the outcome is quite impressive: see the solutions graph being created in 3D and in real time and see also the solution path being found.
  • vsClojure, a clojure visual studio 2010 extension (here, via @wmacgyver) -- I am not sure this is the same project that disclojure reported on last week, but project adds support for Clojure in VS2010. The sources for the project can be found here. WIP, but some features are already working, like code highlighting, paren matching and the REPL.