• Looks like linköping has a clojure user group now! (here, via @mikaelsundberg) -- That's in Sweden.
  • "JavaFX can work with alternative languages on the VM such as JRuby, Clojure, Scala and Groovy" (here, via @rponte) -- Don't miss out the slides from the talk at JavaOne 2010 that this quote comes from, there's plenty of Clojure code.
  • Very impressed with this little snippet, Programmatically Compiling Java Code Using Clojure from nakkaya.com (here, via @xgavin) -- Holy cow! Compile and execute Java Code at the REPL, in just one line.
  • Swapping words with synonyms (here, via @thnetos) -- Another article about Natural Language Parsing, with a very cool example of its use. Grab a text in English, parse it and then substitute every word by one of its synonyms. The result reads quite a bit like lawyer-speak to me.