• Thinking of creating a new language fusing Fortran and Clojure; working name is 'Forclosure' (via @scidata) -- I am sure it will be a hit amongst financial institutions and real state agents.
  • Live coding with #opengl in #clojure using #penumbra (here, via @ztellman) -- This is an extensive article about the virtues of interactive development at the REPL. There is a section about Clojure, with an awesome screencast of developing a 3D tetris with Clojure and penumbra.
  • London Devs Takin' it to the Pub next week- Clojure vs. Scala (here, via @java) -- I might have been to the wrong pubs in London, but these things never end well at the pub.
  • Finite state machines in clojure using jobim (here, via @antoniogarrote) -- Jobim is an actors library for clojure. In this article, a library to generate actors that implement  Finite State Machines is presented.