• Using flash messages with Ring 0.2.5/Compojure 0.4.1 (here, via @kumarshantanu) -- In case you were wondering...
  • Second part of my tutorial on #clojure web dev with compojure: now with ajax! (here, via @mikaelsundberg) -- Here is part 1
  • Implementing actors in Clojure (here, via @antoniogarrote) -- Jobim, an actors library built on top of RabbitMQ and Zookeeper for Clojure, uses Matchure and provides some sort of hierarchical process structure for added Erlangliness. This article describes in detail how the system works. Very interesting WIP.
  • Registration is open for #clojureconj at http://clojure-conj.org/ (via @clojure_conj) -- If you plan to go, register now as seating is quite limited! I will be there, so come and say Hi! :)
  • Run the GWT compiler with lein-gwt in #clojure / #gwt hybrid projects (here, via @teropa) -- If you're crazy enough to use the Google Web Toolkit framework and tool chain with Clojure, then you might be interested in this plugin for Leiningen.
  • A* in Clojure (here, via @jorgetavares) -- Need to find the best path between two nodes in a graph? Need to do it fast and efficiently? Then A* is your algorithm. No need to write it though, since Christophe Grand (@cgrand) wrote it for you.
  • Clojure Box 1.2 an all-in-one installer 4 #Clojure on Windows inspired by Lispbox (here, via @carlosqt) -- Now it comes with Clojure 1.2. Instructions: 1) Install. 2) Launch. 3) Hack in the REPL!
  • Lein-run by @sids is awesome (deserves 0.1 release) - you can run #clojure web apps from command line (here, via @kumarshantanu) -- It comes really handy when developing webapps in Clojure, but it is also useful for any need to fire off a long running Clojure process from the command line.
  • Learn and Use the Standard Library (here, via @planetclojure) -- You should not try to reinvent the wheel, first look at clojure.contrib.wheel ... you might just find a faster wheel than you could ever build...
  • Just finished a blog post revealing the secrets of monad fu, in #clojure. (here, via @drcabana) --Let's see if I finally get this whole monadic thing... Is there any monad pill that I can swallow?!?