• Protocols are faster than Clojure multimethods. Can be as fast as direct func calls in fact and inlined by hotspot (via @chouser) -- This is an important fact.
  • Clojure or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Parentheses (here, via @nathanmarz) -- This is an article that explains one of the main differences between Lisps and other mainstream languages: the ability to extend the the language --even create your own mini-languages-- to fit your purposes from within the host language itself and without adding any accidental complexity to the system.. Most other languages add accidental complexity when trying to do so.
  • Sweet, a Clojure Ring adapter for Mongrel2 by mikejs (here, via @zedshaw) -- This allows you to run Ring/Compojure applications inside Mongrel2, a cool new language agnostic web server.