• Securing #Clojure web applications with Sandbar. The first of a four part series (here, via @brentonashworth) -- Sandbar is library that provides some high-level abstractions to Compojure and/or Ring. In this article it explains how this library can help secure your web app.
  • TJoC has featured in top 3 at HackerNewsers (here, via @kumarshantanu) -- At the time of writing this, TJoC was at position #4, but still!
  • Monkeying with Clojure’s defmethod Macro (here, via @fogus) -- I don't really know how to summarize this one... I need more coffee, but it is late at night.
  • I posit that "yoink" is better name for clojure.core/seq (which is confusable with seq? and sequence) (via @puredanger) -- I second the petition. I have been bit by this one too many times!
  • Creating Sparse Tabular Data With Clojure (here, via @samnewman) -- How to automatically create a sparse table from data entries that might have arbitrary columns (i.e. the possible columns are not known)
  • #clojure in action meap update, ch11 discuss using clojure with various MQs (here, via @wmacgyver)
  • GitHub stats with Incanter (here, via @citizen428) -- Grab the languages data from GitHub, Incanter and some skills, and plot many interesting graphs on programming language usage by GitHub projects. Good also as an introduction to Incanter.