• Awesome! The 20 minute form of my "Clojure for Ninjas" talk was accepted at the Stange Loop (via @brweber2) -- Strange Loop getting VERY interesting! Try  Ctrl+F "Clojure" on that page...
  • Wadler’s Law (extended to Clojure) (here, via @fogus) -- A true statement. Feature discussions on Clojure are much more focuses on parenthesis than in semantics.
  • Joe Duffy's Blog: "Thoughts on immutability and concurrency" (here, via @buckybit) -- This article from a Microsoft engineer and published author discusses the need (or not need) of immutable data structures. It's main thesis is that immutability comes second after isolation, and if you can break your program to be isolated -- either by breaking it into independent functional parts via data parallelism -- then data immutability is neither needed nor desired. And even in situations where immutability could be a big win, it is not a perfect solution since now the developer has to reconcile the possible different states of the same piece of data. Good article and food for thought.