Aleph, an asynchronous web server, written in Clojure (here, via @stilkov) -- Zach Tellman just announced an asynchronous web server built on top of Netty and it mostly conforms to Ring's interface. This server uses NIO for managing network communications, and also decouples threads from requests, which is important to scale.
Someone is already having good result with aleph (#clojure+netty). beating node.js in hello world is no small feat. (here, via @wmacgyver) -- Nice! Throughput increased 7x over Jetty.
Added Roger Bodamer on Scaling MongoDB and Chris Houser talking about Clojure and the expression problem (here, via @strangeloop_stl) -- Nice, 2 talks about clojure already (the other one being by @marick)
On Lisp's (clojure) Readability and Parenthesis Stacking (here, via @jneira) -- An article proposing that trailing parenthesis is better than stacking them. (Added for completeness, but...are we seriously discussing indentation styles?)
High Level Testing with a High Level Language (here, via @planetclojure) -- A summary of a year and a half of using Clojure to test Java code. Worth reading because it shows where the impedance can be found when trying to get a Java team to use functional languages.
New blogpost/screencast: Trail blazing innovators - Use Emacs! (here, via @LauJensen) -- This post tries to explain why some developers chose Emacs as an IDE. Good tips on Clojure debugging :)