• spreading the word - International Lisp Conference 2010 Call for Papers (here, via @edgargoncalves)
  • Simple Clojure Job Distribution Service (here, via @ajlopez) -- Send off purely functional (and long) jobs to be executed to other machines)
  • emacs swank-clojure utilities is now swank-clojure-extra (here, via @vu3rdd) -- So 'swank-clojure-project' is finally gone from swank-clojure? I guess so.
  • clojure.core/lazy-seq makes sense (here, via @neotyk) -- An introduction to lazy-seq's
  • Functional Data Structures in a Persistent Setting - Part 1 (here, via @ajlopez) -- This article by Debasish Ghosh covers two different but related areas. One is about which algorithms to chose for a particular data structure, given that different algorithms have different complexity patterns; do you want a predictable but slow algorithm or a fast but unpredictable one. Sometimes you just want the best overall complexity (amortized).  The second part covers the complexity guarantees of persistent data structures and how it is sometimes hard to measure it (with an example).
  • #clojure meetup at #railsconf was about 60 people! (via @dysinger)