First some errata from the last posts:

And now the tweets of last weekend and today:
  • Metaheuristics library for Clojure (here, via @dermatthias) -- Work in progress, but for now it includes A particle swarm optimization, an evolution strategies and an invasive weed optimization algorithm. The code is on github.
  • Slides from @nathanmarz's Cascalog presentation at the Clojure meetup (here, via @michaelmontano) -- Cascalog lets you query a Hadoop cluster using a Datalog-alike query language built on Clojure.
  • Book Promotion: The Joy of Clojure with author Michael Fogus (here, via @IndianGuru) -- This book promotion runs between May 25th and May 27th and will have author Michael Fogus online to answer your questions. You need to register (for free) here using code BPCE101 and you can post your questions immediately.
  • You can now order a print copy of my Semantic Web book. This is the Java, Clojure, Scala edition (here, via @mark_I_watson) -- Although the book can be downloaded for free, consider purchasing it on to fund the author's new writings.
  • Couchfuse, mount #couchdb as file system. Done in #clojure (here, via @wmacgyver) -- This would allow you to mount a Couch DB store as a filesystem in your Mac.
  • Clojure and Cassandra with clj-cassandra (here, via @allwebdev) -- Relatively short article on how to access a Cassandra datastore from Clojure via clj-cassandra.
  • Just published clj-pusher - client for #Clojure (here, via @bartoszblimke) -- Pusherapp is a service in beta that allows you to create real-time collaboration applications the easy way with HTML 5's websockets.
  • my first web development project ever (in any language). Online #clojure repl (here, via @IORayne) -- This is a web-based REPL in which you can test-drive clojure. It is implemented using clj-sandbox, and you can find the source code here.
  • Laziness in Clojure - Some Thoughts (here, via @debasishg) -- This article is about how Clojure's laziness makes function composition easier. It's a good article about something that you don't think about when you first learn Clojure.
  • Episode 19 - Ratios (considered harmful) (here, via @fulldisclojure) -- This week's episode is about the usage of Ratios in Clojure. Ratios let you operate on Rational numbers in Clojure without losing precision. This feature is neat but it comes with some caveats and this screen-cast explores some of them.
  • Destructuring, records, protocols and named arguments (here, via @cgrand) -- This post from Christophe Grand walk us through the process of figuring out some performance oddity in the way destructuring works with the new records. Depending how you do the destructuring, it can be an order of magnitude slower. It turns out that the new protocols come to the rescue and make things fast again.