• My new toy project: CSS generation from clojure DSL (here, via @paraseba) -- Functional CSS? You have nested rules and mixins...
  • Attempted easy alternative to #Clojure use/require/refer (here, via @stuartsierra) -- Yet another attempt at simplifying the namespace management in Clojure. The proposed notation is very compact and powerful.
  • my half-hour tutorial on #clojure protocols is up (here, via @stuarthalloway) --The author of Programming Clojure, Stuart Halloway, presents this screen cast that covers a lot of ground with the upcoming Clojure 1.2 features: protocols. A must.
  • Repeat after me: #Clojure contrib is not the standard library (via @stuartsierra) -- Clojure-contrib is not the standard library, Clojure-contrib is not the standard library...
  • future pipelining helper macro in #clojure (here, via @alandipert) -- Like a let, but wrapping everything in futures.
  • Awesome! Robocup with #clojure (here, via @prism335) -- Robocup is an international robotics competition that involves robots playing soccer. One of the ways of participating is by using a robot simulator running in a soccer server. This blog post from nakkaya.com show how to connect to the server and move the robot's joints.
  • Clojure's Approach to Polymorphism: Method Dispatch (here, via @manningbooks) -- This is an article about Clojure's flexible method dispatch mechanism from Amit Rathore, the author of "Clojure in Action"