• Steve Jobs just ruined the iPhone for Clojure (here, via @IORayne) -- So no Clojure on the iPhone? Was there ever that option? If I recall correctly, interpreter and compiler code was never allowed on the iPhone...
  • Just finished adding all clojure.core functions I deem safe to clj-sandbox. (here, via @IORayne) -- clj-sandbox lets you safely run untrusted code inside the Clojure environment.
  • just published a new tutorial by Craig Andera on Clojure Concurrency for Pluralsight On-demand (here, via @fritzonion) -- That's no small thing; it totals 2 hours and 20 minutes of tutorial :)
  • Think I'll take the work that Antony has done with the Clojure support in Polyglot Maven and do a specialized build and call it Meiningen (via @jvanzyl) -- So are we talking about Lein/Maven convergence here?
  • #clojure has passed #scala on GitHub, now 18th/19th. (clojure and scala, via @foogoof) -- Wow.
  • Tokyo.clj 定期開催することになりました。ハッカソン中心やりたい人LTなゆるい感じで毎月9(ク)日前後の週末にやります! 2回目 (here, via @making) -- Tokio Clojure Hakkaton to be held monthly (original).
  • clojure-ja groups (here, via @chaton_clojure) -- New Clojure email list for Japanese speakers.
  • hooray! ... Joy of Clojure MEAP update in the inbox just in time for the weekend (via@grantmichaels) -- Got mine too! I might not be able to run Clojure on the iPad, but I can surely read JoC on it :)
  • @nathanmarz Can't wait to check out the #clojure and #cascading based query language, sounds good (via @mattrepl) -- Err... that sounds pretty cool. When can we see this?
    • Planning on a public release in the next week or so - and good guess, it is indeed a Clojure DSL (via @nathanmarz) -- Did anyone mention deadline?
  • Fun with equality in Clojure (here, via @nathanmarz) -- Equality in Clojure is sometimes counterintuitive, but in the end it makes sense. Ah, and be careful with what you blog about or Rich Hickey himself will show up in your comments section!
  • OS poll among the Clojure 101 course participants: so far (109 votes) 37.6% Linux/Unix, 41.3% Mac and 21.1% Windows (via @citizen428)
  • #clojure course coming along nicely, we are at almost 400 participants now! :-) (via @citizen428) -- 400!?!
  • Cerraduras: #clojure en español: Primeros pasos con Clojure (here, via @jneira) --That's clojure in Spanish. This article is a translation of the recent wiki page on how to start with Clojure. If you are more comfortable with Spanish than English, this is a site to follow closely.
  • 無限にメモ化しない memoize (here, via @fatrow) -- Google says "Memoize indefinitely without 'memoize'". The code does match the title, but the google translation of the article is uninteligible...