• Did he (uncle Bob) plug Clojure b/c Rich is here? (via @kyleburton) -- Today Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference was taking place. Bob Martin (a.k.a. Uncle Bob) was giving the keynote today, and it looks like he said good things about Clojure. If you keep on reading you'll see that the next time he'll say even better things!
  • I'm presenting at #Clojure NYC on clojure.test/lazytest April 15 (here, via @stuartsierra)
  • Upcoming capital area #Clojure users group, Apr 22nd. (here, via @mattrepl)
  • Rich Hickey gave a talk at Philly ETE today. Here is some of the feedback:
    • I came to @richhickey's #phillyete #clojure talk expecting to see code. I got a philosophy talk instead. Love it! (via @scottdavis99)
    • Rich Hickey's Clojure talk is giving Uncle Bob's keynote a run for top talk (via @delagoya)
    • Rich hickey may be an alien sent to earth to stop software development from sucking. (via @NovusTiro)
    • It's official. Rich Hickey is the Jerry Garcia of #PhillyETE - his #clojure talk was jammin'!!! (via @sfraser)
    • I am becoming ever more convinced that clojure is the functional language to use. (via @unclebobmartin) -- and this is after plugging Clojure on his keynote!
  • "Introduction to Monads" with Clojure (VIDEO) (here, via @hkrnws) -- This is an awesome hands-on presentation on monads in Clojure by Adam Smyczek. In this presentation Adam builds the case for monads and then builds a series of monads with  small increments. All in clojure, live.