• A case for symbol capture in #Clojure (here, via @nathell) -- Clojure protects by default macro authors from capturing a local symbol (i.e. the expanded macro contains a symbol that also exists in the calling environment). This potential capturing of a symbol is to be avoided in almost all situations, except in this example.
  • Improved Clojure REPL syntax highlighting (here, via @nipra) -- this is an evolution of an initial version at stackoverflow.com.
  • Intro to #Clojure #cjug on 4/14/10 (here, via @JavaUsers) -- If you are going to be around Cleveland, OH on April 14th and want to learn about clojure, you should go to the Cleveland Java Meetup (at 5.30pm)
  • One of the best parts about Clojure is that its API has links to the source of the function. Here is 'number?' ( via @peregrine) -- This is an often overlooked feature of clojure.org's website.
  • Rich Hickey the creator of Clojure, talks to the participants of RubyLearning's free #Clojure Course (here, via @IndianGuru) -- Only in case you are new to Clojure.
  • Scaling Clojure Web Apps with Google AppEngine (here, via @infoq) -- An interview with Stefan Richter of freiheit.com, the creators of TheDeadline, a commercial clojure App on Google App Engine. Good information from their experiences with Clojure+GAE.
  • SQL WHERE clauses in Clojure from S-Expressions (here, via @pjlegato) -- The many ways in which you can write a WHERE clause in Clojure and have it transformed to valid SQL WHERE.