• Michael Fogus talks to RubyLearning’s #Clojure Course Participants (here, via @IndianGuru) -- Includes a mug shot! (@fogus is a co-author in "The Joy of Clojure")
  • Simple clojure memoization "API" w/ multiple cache strategies (was reminded of this by @kotarak's recent article) (here, via @cemerick) -- Another set of 'memoize' alternatives.
  • I'm heading to the #montreal #clojure group meeting today at 1.00pm (here, via @hugoduncan) -- I know I am posting this too late, but this is to highlight that there is a Clojure User Group in Montreal: Bonjure
  • Joy of Clojure TOC updates (here, via @fogus) -- Some chapter reorganization + new goodies.