• Want to compile with a different JDK than maven runs with? I just added maven-toolchains-plugin support to the #clojure #maven plugin (here, via @talios)
  • Just did a fresh clojure setup on a couple new machines. blogged the Clojure Quick Start Guide (here, via @bradfordcross) -- mainly for Debian Linux users. Short and sweet.
  • Clojure now available in Ubuntu repos  (here, via @hkrnws) -- Neat! That will provide more exposure to Clojure :)
  • Common programming mistakes for Clojure developers to avoid (here, via @fogus) -- This is a thread on StackOverflow.com related to the following question: "What are some common mistakes made by Clojure developers, and how can we avoid them?"... some of the answers might surprise you!
  • Brrr - it's cold in CO. Makes me wish that I was a Clojure developer, wrapped in those nice, warm, insulating layers of ((((()))))... (via @scottdavis99) -- They do make it warmer. And so do these [[]], and these {{{}}}...
  • Sane web development with Compojure, Jetty, and Maven (here, via @cemerick) -- Maven haters: move along... still here? well, the end result, if you follow the indications of this article, is that your web application will redeploy and pick up your changes in the source files automatically when you change them.
  • #Clojure agents with #Swing GUI (here, via @stuartsierra) -- Although Swing is not thread safe (i.e. all UI code must be run in a single thread,) Java developers have some facilities to execute their code in separated threads from the UI one. These facilities might be awkward to use in Clojure so this article explores how to use Clojure Agents instead for this purpose.
  • "Scala occupies a space between Haskell and Java in roughly the same sense as Clojure sits between Scheme and Java" - Martin Odersky (via @debasishg) -- ...
  • First daughter had Programming Ruby read to her as an infant. This one gets Programming Clojure. Let's see the difference. (via @redinger) -- is it bad if I predict that the first daughter will not be very functional?