• About Rich Hickey fundraiser drive for Clojure development:
    • Initial list of Clojure "funders" posted – very proud to be the first commercial sponsor of Clojure (here, via @cemerick) -- Neat, Rich fundraise is now around at 40% of his goal.
    • Clojure is great for the Java community! Sonatype just donated US1000 at http://clojure.org. We challenge you to match the donation!
    • Sonian is very proud to be the first monthly invoiced commercial sponsor of #clojure (via @dysinger) -- $1000/mo, not bad at all. It look like Sonian did take the challenge of Sonatype, and then made it a monhly. Thank you from all of us!
  • My take on @timbray's Widefinder 2 benchmark in #clojure. (here, via @atosborne) -- To cut the story short, now the Clojure version of Widefinder 2 is faster than Scala and Java, only bested by C++ and OCaml. @atosborne's version -- which is tested in the same hardware that @timbray used for all the other tests -- is now taking 8m4.633s of real (elapsed) time. Here is the table with the other competing implementations of WF2. This is again another great read for those planning on using Clojure on big iron and squeze every power out of it.
  • @assembla uses #Clojure as a showcase in their latest newsletter (via @stuartsierra) -- Can be found in the "Featured Open Source Projects" section of that letter. Here is what it says: "Clojure is a dialect of Lisp that runs in a JVM, and shares with the Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Clojure is predominantly a functional programming language and features a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures."
  • The #paredit (for #clojure) is on Slideshare (here, via @mudphone) -- If you're using Emacs, especially @technomancy's Emacs Starter Kit, then you're probably using (or want to use) 'paredit'. Here is a presentation from the last Bay Area Clojure User Group meeting.