• ClojureQL enables the Clojurian to stay within his Clojure-domain even when interfacing with his SQL database (here, via @laujensen) --  Lau introduces a DSL to access relational databases. Looks promising and it is getting close to 1.0.  Interesting also the explanation for the choice of Gradle over Leiningen for build tool. ClojureQL can be found here
  • frumiOS - a silly object-system for Clojure (here, via @amitrathore) -- Time to 'port' CLOS to clojure?
  • watching @stuarthalloway,@tastapod ,@gojkoadzic ,@tyler_jennings ,@neal4d's presentation on their clojure BDD (here, via @markhneedham) -- Building a Behavior Driven Design framework for Clojure
  • It's not an intro book. It focuses on "thinking in the #Clojure way". (via @fogus) -- this refers to the 2nd book on Clojure that Manning is publishing, after @amitrathore's "Clojure in Action". This book has no title yet (at least not one that Disclojure knows about)
  • @richhickey on Fine-grained locals clearing (here, via @fogus) -- "I'm happy to announce I have implemented this fine-grained locals clearing in the compiler, in the 'new' branch. It should automatically cover all cases in which the code doesn't explicitly reuse the head - including non-tail usage, destructuring etc. In short, such cases should 'just work' from now on." We had reported on this development sometime this week. This is the official announcement.
  • Cljex is a project aimed at providing examples to accompany clojure's standard API documentation (here, via @devn) --  Builds a local website with the examples, although you can checkout a live version http://getclojure.org (not live at the time of writing this)
  • Name mangling to support calling C++ functions from clojure-jna? Ambitious! (here, via @chrishouser)
  • reading #clojure irc logs, sounds like @timbray is having better luck with widefinder 2 on clojure (via @jsamsa) -- Sounds like it: "Have found a much better set of JVM options, things are improving. I shouldn't write when I'm discouraged." (here)